download the showit website guide

Learning how to use your website platform sounds a little scary, but I'm going to make it super simple for you. I've compiled all the info, resources, and support you'll need to learn how to manage your website on Showit.

Showit website SUPPORT

enroll in showit 101

Prefer course format?

If you're new to Showit, this is the absolute best place to start for an overview of Showit. They provide a full understanding of the basic tools you need to build and launch the site of your dreams with Showit.

SHOWIT overview



website resources

get the launch kit

You've worked hard to build your website and are ready to show it off to the world. But, how do you do that? Here are some helpful resources for making the most of your launch.

LAUNCH support

ready to launch?

submit your site to be featured

There's nothing I love more than celebrating the launch of your site with you! Let me know you're launching so I can join in the celebration + submit your site for the showcase.


is your site live?

I've provided some of the most basic and helpful tutorials here, but I know there is always something else that comes up. Showit has great support that can help with anything, and I am always happy to help when I can too.

let me help you find what you need

have another question?

Submit a support ticket

reach out to showit for help